Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Spring, Spring Don't You LOVE Spring

I am so happy today. The construction guys are putting in all new grass sod. Last year they put in sidewalks and curbs. I know our property value has gone up. That is a good thing.

I just got through talking to our fairly new neighbors. They bought the house for their son. He had a job over at the railroad but got laid off. He got into a lot of trouble so they decide to keep the house for themselves and just use it on the weekends. I asked him for his cell phone incase something happens to the house when they aren't around. He just showed me the inside of it and it is so adorable. We tried to get my mother in law to buy it and move out this way but she still loves the big city.

I finally shut off the heat for good today. I don't think we are going to get anymore below freezing but you never know since I live in Illinois and that can happen here.  I am not going to plant my vegetables plants just yet. I might in a few more weeks. I had to repot the cucumbers already because they were outgrowing the starter pots. I am getting so exciting this year because I am going to start to learn how to can my tomatoes and also make tons of salsa and put them in jars. I want to have salsa all year round.

My neighbor to the left of us plants these great big sunflowers. They are so Big. I have to ask him what his secret is. I am going to take a picture of them and put it in my journal so I can show everyone.

I am off to go outside and repot my spider plant that is getting out of control.


Anonymous said...

Can't remember when we had to actually use the heater here.
I have never been able to have any luck with my tomatoe plants....too many outdoor cats around and the darn birds and squirels too were brutal on the plants.
I want to try a few in pots this year....that year round salsa sounds like a good idea! I just love salsa.
Can't wait to see the pics.
Enjoy your day outside!


Anonymous said...

We haven't had to use our heat for a's been unseasonably warm here.

~ Susan

Anonymous said...

It was a beautiful day today,  and our furnace is finally off too...time for the windows to be open, at least until it gets to hot!  Any improvement you make to the house will make the value go up,  and sometimes property taxes too!  Thats never  

Anonymous said...

Love your graphic :)  We haven't used our heater this week will be nice if it can stay off since our gas bill was outrageous this winter! Your yard sounds pretty and I can't wait to see pictures this summer when everything is planted and growing.

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

still to cold here to turn off the heat :( but have a good week


Anonymous said...

My Mom is horribly allergic to sunflowers.  Remind me to tell ya that story one day!!!!!  I do love Spring and all the beautiful budding things, but Autumn is my favorite time of year. :-)
