Sunday, March 19, 2006

Good Sunday morning to everyone. I think today is going to be a pretty relaxing day. I do want to do a few loads of laundry and I know my husband wants to run to Sam's Club to get some milk, water and I really want the Sunday paper. I like getting it on Saturday because it takes me about 2 days to read but today I am in the mood to just sit around and read the paper and my book. I love to read but the last couple of years I have been slacking off. I think because my eyes are getting bad. My sister in law gave me those eye glasses you buy from the drug store. They work really well. I should have taken advantage when we had vision insurance but I didn't. I was so consumed on taking care of my medical problems. Our new insurance starts at the end of March. Just medical. My husband's work is trying to get back the union they had with the great insurance. I sure hope it happens. If they do I will go get some glasses.  Now can everyone please read the bottom line. 

It is only going to be 40 degrees today but I think we are going to throw a few burgers on the grill and maybe make some noodles with broccoli. We have been using our grill all winter. It is right outside our backdoor in the kitchen on the back deck.



As soon as my daughter gets home I want to go over her spelling list with her. She got an A in spelling but a few other grades we have to bring up since this is the last quarter of the school year. One more week of school and then spring break. I think since I can't drive I will have one of my daughter's friends from her old school come and spend a few days with us. I know she will love that.

Wishing everyone a relaxing and enjoyable Sunday.


Anonymous said...

enjoy your day:)


Anonymous said...

Yep, I am getting addicted to the graphics! it's fun!! Have a good day with your family.
We grill all winter too!

Anonymous said...

sounds like we're having the same kind of day... don't ya love it? can you send some of that medical insurance my way? my new mantra is "I need a man with a dental plan!"

have a great day!

Anonymous said...

enjoy the day!

we use our grill a lot too during winter depending on how cold or not it is (we're in Montana). Dinner sounds delicious!

WTG for your daughter getting an "A" in spelling!
