I think I spent a lot of my day on the phone. I talked to my brother in California 3 times. He is having trouble renting a car. I can't believe he waited until the last minute to do this. I can't help him because I can't drive for another few months. I used to live about 10 minutes from the airport. Now I live about an hour away. My husband has to work so that is out of the question. His flight gets in at about 3 pm and my brother gets home from work at about 6 pm. He is staying with my brother who lives about 1 1/2 from the airport. He said as soon as he gets off the airplane he is going to get White Castles.
I guess you can't get them in California. He said he hates the frozen ones because they don't have the pickle. lol
I did a few things today. Helped my daughter finish her project. Finally done. As she gets older she seems to wait for the last minute, even when I keep reminding her.
We got about 5 inches of snow yesterday.
My daughter, husband and friend went snowmobling in the neighborhood. I should have gotten on it. I don't think you need a license to drive one of those.
My daughter finally goes back to school tomorrow. She was off for 5 days. I am really going to do some major cleaning since my 2 brothers are coming Wednesday morning. I really don't have a whole heck of a lot to do since I really cleaned when my sister was here last weekend. The dust never seems to go away.
It is hard to get cleaning done with my daughter and her friend who slept over yesterday. They always seem to need something. I guess that is what parenting is all about.
I just got through watching the weather channel and we are going to hit 46 tomorrow and by Wednesday in the 50's. I guess all the snow is going to melt. I think I am going to start packing some of my winter stuff away. I didn't even wear half of the clothes I have for winter. I do it every year. The people from The Purple Heart Veterans are coming to pick up a few bags of things I have but I haven't even organized it yet. That will have to be one of my things to do tomorrow.
Well, enough of my rambling. Going to park myself in front of the TV.
have a good week:)
They don't have White Castles in California; I lived there most of my life. Heard about them, never have eaten at one - must be more of a Midwestern chain than the states I've lived in.
Hoping the visit goes well with your brothers
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