Friday, March 10, 2006

I am so happy today is Friday. My husband and I are taking it very slow this morning. Can't seem to wake up.

 I thought if I got on the computer and typed in my journal that would get me motivated to take a shower and do all of our errands. He has a side job tomorrow so I know we have to do everything today. I know my husband will be happy when I can start driving again. Only 68 more days, but whos counting. lol  


Anonymous said...

have a good weekend!


Anonymous said...

wow only 68 more days it will fly by:)


Anonymous said...

Hello....Thanks for stopping by my journal and leaving the sweet comment for me!  Its nice when I get out of the hospital, and I get on & have all kind of support here!  I will come back & read some of your past post to find out about you.  I am wondering though, why can't you drive?  Just curious.  If it is too personal, I understand completely!  Talk to you again soon!
Hugs, Linda