Friday, December 16, 2005

My little girl came home from school today with the flu. When she came home from school on Wednesday she went to sleep for a few hours. I knew right then and there that something was wrong. When she woke up this morning she said her throat hurt but wanted to go to school since it was the last day. She did not even have breakfast and she didn't even eat her lunch at school.  I hate when she gets sick. I feel so helpless. I gave her this TheraFlu and she felt good for about 30 minutes and than she said she wanted a bowl of cereal but only took 2 bites and came upstairs to say she felt sick to her stomach. She mentioned every year that either I get sick or she gets sick for the holidays. I told her at least she didn't get sick on Christmas and that she has 8 days to feel better. She is laying in my bed right now just watching TV.

I ran out of my pain medicine this morning. I called the pharmacy that I got my prescription filled at and they said they are only open until 8pm. That is what I get for filling a prescription in a little town pharmacy. I may take the car tomorrow and go get it filled myself. I haven't been in to much pain lately but I want to have the pills just in case. I know I am not suppose to drive for another 4 days but I think I can handle the drive. I know hubby will just say that he will pick them up on his lunch hour. What a guy. lol

It is getting late and I am going to check on my daughter. Talk to you all later. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your journal and have added you to my alerts:) You are doing great Sorry your daughter is sick:( Take it easy after your surgery i had a hysterectomy 5 yrs ago and it was great took them 4 tries to get it right lol but its ok now I will visit again
